Sunday, December 4


I attended a seminar in this weekend. It talked about the concept of Enneagram. It is a way to classify all people personality (性格).

According to Enneagram, there are 9 types of personality. Each personality are described by a series of different characteristics. Some book will pick the most representing ones to "name" the personality. However, most people just go by the numbers.

The past two days were quite fascinating. It helps to understand and clarify the 9 types of personality. Also, the more surprising is that what I may not be what I thought I was. Now, I am not sure who I am. Ha ha! (Same thing happened to my Honey as well!)

Just for your reference, the following are the description defined by the instructor (http:\\
1 - Regulator / 遵从原则者 (need to be perfect)
2 - Supporter / 成就他人者 (need to be needed)
3 - Achiever / 成就者 (need to succeed)
4 - Feeler / 憑感覺者 (need to be special)
5 - Rationalist / 理性分析者 (need to perceive)
6 - Safety Seeker / 寻找安全者 (need for security)
7 - Optionist / 创造可能者 (need to avoid pain)
8 - Protector / 保护者 (need to be against)
9 - Harmonist / 维持和平者 (need to avoid)

Who are you?

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