Friday, November 25

Knowing Doing Gap

This week in BJ is very exciting/frustrating/tiring... you name it. See a lot of things happening here in BJ.
Things just happened really fast and ad hoc.

From a new comer perspective, spotted quite a few improvement areas on how the business should be run. However, once think it over a couple of rounds, realize that I don't know how to execute and what can be done. I guess this is really the challenges of being in the "line".

More importantly, in every single meeting and discussion, the term "offering" always got mentioned. Everyone has certain expectation on "offering"... what can I do??? What worse, I haven't had a chance to talk to my key stakeholder yet!

BTW, had a chance to talk to big big boss today. The experience is very different from my expectation and my impression on her. My job will just be more interesting!

PS: On this trip, tried a few restaurants in BJ and realized that I really haven't done much in my prior trips to BJ.

PPS: My coughing is finally getting better today.

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mokee said...
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